Software Vs Hardware Rendering

Software rendering

  1. Software Vs Hardware Rendering
  2. Software Vs Hardware Rendering Technology
  3. Software Vs Hardware Rendering Vs
  4. Which Rendering Software Is The Best
  1. My computer completely crashed while rendering a 6 min short film on Adobe Premiere CS6. So I rendered using only software acceleration without the Mercury.
  2. Dec 21, 2009 Software rendering means that your CPU will be making all the graphics, good for when a program was designed for awkward GPUs or Software; Hardware is where your GPU is doing all the graphical work.

My computer completely crashed while rendering a 6 min short film on Adobe Premiere CS6. So I rendered using only software acceleration without the Mercury.

Software rendering produces images of the highest quality, letting you achieve the most sophisticated results.

Computation occurs on the CPU, as opposed to hardware rendering, which relies on the machine’s graphics card. Because it is not restricted by the computer’s graphics card, software rendering generally is more flexible. The trade-off, however, is that software rendering is generally more time consuming.

Exactly what you can render depends on which software renderer you use and its particular limitations.

Maya has the following software renderers:

  • The Maya software renderer
  • NVIDIA® mental ray® for Maya®

Hardware rendering

Hardware rendering uses the computer’s video card and drivers installed on the machine to render images to disk. Hardware rendering is generally faster than software rendering, but typically produces images of lower quality compared to software rendering. In some cases, however, hardware rendering can produce results good enough for broadcast delivery.

Hardware rendering cannot produce some of the most sophisticated effects, such as some advanced shadows, reflections, and post-process effects. To produce these kind of effects, you must use software rendering.

Maya has the following hardware renderer:

  • The Maya hardware renderer

More Information

Ideally, software rendering algorithms should be translatable directly to hardware. However, this is not possible because hardware and software rendering use two very different approaches:

  • Software rendering holds the 3D scene to be rendered (or the relevant portions of it) in memory, and samples it pixel by pixel or subpixel by subpixel. In other words, the scene is static and always present, but the renderer deals with one pixel or subpixel at a time.
  • Hardware rendering operates the opposite way. All pixels are present at all times, but rendering consists of considering the scene one triangle at a time, “painting” each one into the frame buffer. The hardware has no notion of a scene; only a single triangle is known at any one time.

Software is completely unconstrained, except by performance considerations, and can perform any algorithm whatever. The subpixel loop method is chosen because it allows rendering nonlocal effects that require considering different portions of the scene in order to compute a single pixel or subpixel. For example, reflections require access to both the reflecting and the reflected object. A more complex example is global illumination, which considers the indirect light from all surrounding objects to compute the brightness of the subpixel being rendered. Hardware can do none of this because it only ever knows one triangle at a time, and has no notion of other objects.

Hardware rendering uses a limited range of workarounds to address some of these limitations. These workarounds typically involve pre-rendering objects into “maps”, which are rectangular pixel rectangles encoding properties of other objects and are stored in the graphics hardware in the form of texture images. While graphics hardware cannot deal with multiple objects, it can deal very efficiently with texture images. Examples for such mapping techniques are:

Pcsx2 hardware vs software rendering
  • Shadow mapping renders the scene from the viewpoint of each light source, recording only the depth of the frontmost object. This can later be used during final rendering to decide whether a point is in shadow, if it is farther away from the light than the recorded depth. This approach does not work well for area lights that cast soft shadows (shadows with fuzzy edges), and it cannot handle transparent objects such as stained glass or smoke.
  • Reflection maps render the scene from the viewpoint of a mirror. This image is then “pasted in” when the final render needs to know what is seen in the mirror. This works only for flat or near-flat mirrors.
  • Environment maps contain a hemispherical or otherwise complete view of the surroundings as seen from the rendered scene. Nearby objects are not normally included. Although environment maps represent the scene poorly, and cannot capture the arrangement of nearby objects at reasonable computational cost, they are acceptable for highly curved reflectors such as chrome trims.

Workarounds like this have one difficulty: they require a lot of manual preparation and fine-tuning to work; for example, deciding on a good environment map. The computer cannot do this because while computing a correct map is possible, it would be very expensive and easily defeat the expected time savings.

The driving force behind graphics hardware design is gaming, which involves rendering as many triangles per second as possible to a video screen. Also, procedural shading is still quite primitive and requires workarounds as described above. This creates some limitations of hardware rendering:

  • Rendered images go to a video screen. Retrieving them to the main memory for further processing is often poorly optimized and slow. This can be the main factor limiting frame rates.
  • To achieve full speed, the entire renderer must be carefully hand-crafted to the scene being rendered. This cannot be done for a general-purpose renderer.
  • Many effects beside the mapping workarounds described above require rendering the scene multiple times because the complexity of the effect exceeds the capacity of the hardware. This is called “layering” and described in more detail below. This reduces the achievable frame rates.
  • Multiple frame buffers are unavailable. Rendering to video only requires RGBA video with low bit depth and a depth (Z) buffer. General-purpose production rendering requires many frame buffers with high bit depths.
  • Oversampling to reduce “staircase” aliasing is generally slow and has poor quality. The subpixels computed are inaccessible; only the final pixel is available.
  • There is no good approach to motion blurring. This is critically important for film production.
  • Textures must be stored in the video hardware before use. The available memory is usually 256 or 512 MB. Film production often uses gigabytes of textures, which requires very slow paging.
  • Compatibility between the hardware from different vendors, and even between successive hardware generations from the same vendor, is very poor. Although OpenGL hides many differences, the most advanced features and the fastest speed paths generally have not found an abstraction in OpenGL yet. Hardware development cycles are extremely rapid.

None of this is mentioned in the literature and sales material for graphics hardware boards. In general, it is unrealistic to expect to attain advertised realtime frame rates, often over 100 frames per second, for general-purpose rendering without spending the years of custom development that game designers generally require.

Yet, despite all the limitations of hardware rendering, the things it can do are done at extremely high speed, sometimes more than a thousand times faster than software. Harnessing this speed is the object of the hardware shading support in mental ray 3.3. Although the limitations make it impossible to simply switch from software to hardware rendering, much of the advantage can be realized with an appropriate combination of hardware rendering and software rendering, combining hardware speed with software flexibility. This document describes how mental ray does this.

Source: Autodesk Maya 2013 Help Documentation
Autodesk Maya 2011 Help Documentation

The 3D rendering options and other pool settings offer various advantages and drawbacks. Select the option that best supports your vSphere hardware infrastructure and your users' requirements for graphics rendering.

Software Vs Hardware Rendering

Note: For detailed information about all the various choices and requirements for 3D rendering, see the VMware white paper about graphics acceleration.

When to Choose the Automatic Option

The Automatic option is the best choice for many Horizon 7 deployments that require 3D rendering. vSGA (Virtual Shared Graphics Acceleration)-enabled virtual machines can dynamically switch between software and hardware 3D rendering, without your having to reconfigure. This option ensures that some type of 3D rendering takes place even when GPU resources are completely reserved. In a mixed cluster of ESXi 5.1 and ESXi 5.0 hosts, this option ensures that a virtual machine is powered on successfully and uses 3D rendering even if, for example, vMotion moved the virtual machine to an ESXi 5.0 host.

The only drawback with the Automatic option is that you cannot easily tell whether a virtual machine is using hardware or software 3D rendering.

When to Choose the Hardware Option

Software Vs Hardware Rendering Technology

The Hardware option guarantees that every virtual machine in the pool uses hardware 3D rendering, provided that GPU resources are available on the ESXi hosts. This option might be the best choice when all your users run graphically intensive applications. You can use this option when configuring vSGA (Virtual Shared Graphics Acceleration).

With the Hardware option, you must strictly control your vSphere environment. All ESXi hosts must be version 5.1 or later and must have GPU graphics cards installed.


When all GPU resources on an ESXi host are reserved, Horizon 7 cannot power on a virtual machine for the next user who tries to log in to a desktop. You must manage the allocation of GPU resources and the use of vMotion to ensure that resources are available for your desktops.

When to Choose the Option to Manage Using vSphere Client

When you select the Manage using vSphere Client option, you can use vSphere Web Client to configure individual virtual machines with different options and VRAM values.

  • For vSGA (Virtual Shared Graphics Acceleration), you can support a mixed configuration of 3D rendering and VRAM sizes for virtual machines in a pool.
  • For vDGA (Virtual Dedicated Graphics Acceleration), each virtual machine must be individually configured to share a specific PCI device with the ESXi host and all memory must be reserved. For more information, see Preparing for vDGA Capabilities.
    All ESXi hosts must be version 5.5 or later and must have GPU graphics cards installed.
    Note: Some Intel vDGA cards require a certain vSphere 6 version. See the VMware Hardware Compatibility List at Also, for Intel vDGA, the Intel integrated GPU is used rather than discrete GPUs, as is the case with other vendors.
  • For AMD Multiuser GPU using vDGA, each virtual machine must be individually configured to share a specific PCI device with the ESXi host and all memory must be reserved. This feature allows a PCI device to appear to be multiple separate physical PCI devices so that the GPU can be shared between 2 to 15 users. For more information, see Preparing to Use the Capabilities of AMD Multiuser GPU Using vDGA.

    All ESXi hosts must be version 6.0 or later and must have GPU graphics cards installed.


You might also choose this option if you want to explicitly manage graphics settings of clones and linked clones by having the clones inherit settings from the parent virtual machine.

When to Choose the NVIDIA GRID vGPU Option

With the NVIDIA GRID vGPU option, you can achieve a higher consolidation ratio of virtual machines on an NVIDIA GRID vGPU-enabled ESXi host than is possible by using vDGA, while maintaining the same performance level. As with vDGA (Dedicated Virtual Graphics), the ESXi and virtual machine also use GPU pass-through for NVIDIA GRID vGPU.

Note: To improve virtual machine consolidation ratios, you can set the ESXi host to use consolidation mode. Edit the /etc/vmware/config file on the ESXi host and add the following entry:

By default, the ESXi host assigns virtual machines to the physical GPU with the fewest virtual machines already assigned. This is called performance mode. If you would rather have the ESXi host assign virtual machines to the same physical GPU until the maximum number of virtual machines is reached before placing virtual machines on the next physical GPU, you can use consolidation mode.


Because a GPU does not need to be dedicated to one specific virtual machine, with the NVIDIA GRID vGPU option, you can create and configure a parent virtual machine or virtual machine template to be NVIDIA GRID vGPU-enabled and then create a desktop pool of virtual machines that can share the same physical GPU.

If all GPU resources on an ESXi host are being used by other virtual machines, when the next user tries to log in to a desktop, Horizon 7 can move the virtual machine to another NVIDIA GRID vGPU-enabled ESXi server in the cluster and then power on the virtual machine. All ESXi hosts must be version 6.0 or later and must have GPU graphics cards installed.

For more information, see Preparing for NVIDIA GRID vGPU Capabilities.

When to Choose the Software Option

Software Vs Hardware Rendering Vs

Select the Software option if you have ESXi 5.0 hosts only, or if ESXi 5.1 or later hosts do not have GPU graphics cards, or if your users only run applications such as AERO and Microsoft Office, which do not require hardware graphics acceleration.

Which Rendering Software Is The Best

Configuring Desktop Settings to Manage GPU Resources

You can configure other desktop settings to ensure that GPU resources are not wasted when users are not actively using them.

For floating pools, set a session timeout so that GPU resources are freed up for other users when a user is not using the desktop.

For dedicated pools, you can configure the Automatically logoff after disconnect setting to Immediately and a Suspend power policy if these settings are appropriate for your users. For example, do not use these settings for a pool of researchers who execute long-running simulations. Note that the Suspend power policy is not available if you use the NVIDIA GRID vGPU option.