Microsoft Word Drop Down List


  1. Microsoft Word Drop Down List Edit
  2. Microsoft Word Drop Down List More Than 25

Drop-Down Fields

A drop-down form field provides a way to provide a user with a list of items from which the user can select only one.

You can follow the below steps in order to insert a drop-down menu list in a Word document: Step 1: Open Microsoft Word and go to the File menu and click on Options. Step 2: Click on the Customize. Drop-down list boxes are used to present an expandable list of choices to a user. When a user first opens the form, the default value, if specified, is the choice that appears in the control. To select another option, the user clicks the arrow on the side of the control and clicks the option that they want.

Microsoft Word Drop Down List Edit

You can only select one option from the list.

Inserting a Drop-Down Form Field

This allows the user to select from a list of possible choices.
The user can only choose one of the alternatives

Drop-Down Form Field - Inserts a drop-down field allowing users to make a selection from a list of alternatives.


The first item in the list is treated as the default.
You can add entries to the list by typing in the Drop-Down item box and pressing Add.
You can change the order using the Move buttons.

Drop-down item - Allows you to enter an item and use the Add button to add it to the list.
Add -
Remove -
Move - Allows you to change the order in which the items appear in the list.
Run Macro on Entry - Runs a macro when the form field is selected either from using the tab key or when the form field is selected with the mouse.
Run Macro on Exit - Runs a macro when the form field is exited either from using the tab key or when another form field is selected.
Bookmark - This is the name of the field. This name also provides you with a way to reference the contents of the field for use in a macro or calculation.
Drop-Down enabled - Allows the user to select a value from the drop-down list.
Calculate on Exit - Allows you to automatically update any references to that particular bookmark when you leave the form field.
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Microsoft Word Drop Down List More Than 25
