Default Folders System Library Frameworks Folders Mojave

Print a file to a printer or class on the default server. 2.5: CUPS.PrintDataEncoding Print a file to a printer or class on the default server. 6.3: CUPS.PrintFile Print a file to a printer or class on the default server. 2.5: CURL.AddInputFile Adds input to file data from the container value. 2.7: CURL.AddInputGIF Adds input to GIF data from. In the General tab, disable these options: Launch Path Finder automatically after log in. Quit the Finder automatically at launch. Hide Finder's desktop. In the Reveal tab, disable 'Set Path Finder as the default file viewer'. To remove all traces of Path Finder, delete the following files and folders (some of these may not be on your system). ProxyCap installs a kernel extension (KEXT) used to intercept network connections. On macOS High Sierra and later, the system by default will block the KEXT from loading. To override this default behaviour, do the following: 1. On macOS Big Sur, you must first disable System Integrity Protection (SIP). Select the Storage Group you want to enable LCR for and select 'Enable Local Continuous Replication' in the tasks pane on the right hand side of the console. When selected you have to enter the path for the system files, the log files, and the database file. Click finish to have the Exchange Server configure the LCR environment. A collection for memoryfix drivers for Clover EFI Bootloader Following files are available to download AptioMemoryFix-64.efi OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi OsxAptioFix3Drv-64.efi OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi OsxLowMemFixDrv-64.efi.

Discover how to create and use folders of records in OLIB.

If you have sufficient privileges this feature allows you to store information in a ‘Folder’ and save for later access. Folders enable you to store references or 'pointers' to records that you are interested in for ongoing use and management. For example you may have a folder of User records that are for deletion or update. You can have as many folders as you like to organize your work and they are ‘owned’ by you as the creator of the folder.

Create new folder

  1. In Searches> Folders, click New Record.
  2. In Folder Types select the type of data in this folder, e.g. Titles, Users. Subjects. This determines the following fields and drop downs.
  3. Enter a suitable Folder Name to identify it.
  4. Use the button to Add items to the folder now, or save the folder for adding later.

Create a new folder or add records to an existing folder

  1. For example in the Titles domain, in the List View of hits tick the boxes of the Titles you wish to add to a folder.
  2. Open the Choose folder drop down.
  3. Choose an existing folder to add the records to; alternatively use New Folder.
  4. Click Add to Folder.
  5. When you click OK the folder is created.

Search folders

Go to Searches> Folders.
There are several search types in Other Searches:

Folders searchDescription
Standard Searches

All Folders Search

Includes ALL folders in OLIB. Search by folder name.


  • SDI folders and system folders - Titles/Copies/Users For Auto-Deletion folders
  • Import/export issues folders
  • OPAC List folders
My Folders Search

Includes ONLY folders owned by the currently logged in user.

Use a wildcard (%) search to see all your folders.

System Folders Search

Includes ONLY:

  • Titles/Copies/Users For Auto-Deletion folders
  • Import/export issues folders and their template folders
OPAC List Folders Search
  • Folders the library has created for Folio lists (e.g. reading lists)
  • Folders the users have created in Folio

Titles Folders

Copies Folders

Users Folders

Classes Folders

Digital/Film Folders

Invoices Folders

Names Folders

Order Items Folders

Orders Folders

Series Folders

Subject Headings Folders

Searches on Folders created in that domain.
Folders FoldersIncludes Folders the library has created, that are a container for any of the above Folders.

A list of all the container Folders (folders containing other Folders) owned by the logged in User. (The system manager will see all Folders).

When you click to select one, OLIB immediately displays the full details of the Folder and the list of items in the Folder.

  1. Choose one of the above search types and enter your search criteria in the box, to obtain a hitlist:

Use wildcard (%) to search all the Folders in that search type, e.g. all Users folders.

  1. Click on the Folder name to view full details and the contents, e.g. Users listed in that folder.

Open folders

  1. In the menu click the Searches> Folders branch.
  2. Select the type of folder you want from the Other Searches drop down.
  3. Search for a known folder, or use wildcard (%) to view all folders of that type. Click on the name of the folder to display the contents.

Remove items from a folder

This is consistently the same for all Folders, not just Titles, Copies, Users.

Removing items from your folder can be done in 3 ways. Example: Titles folder:

  • Re-enter titleno

Enter the title numbers of the title records you wish to remove from the folder in the Title Numbers field, or copy and paste them as before, and click the Remove Titles From Folder button. For Users and Copies folders, enter the Barcodes into the equivalent field.

  • Select and click Delete

Select the items you wish to remove and click the Delete option.

  • Remove ALL items from folder

To empty all the titles listed in the folder, click on the Empty This Folder button. OLIB prompts how many items will be removed. Save and Close removes the items.

When items are removed from the folder they no longer appear in the Contents box.

Delete folders


  • Open the Folder and in the Folder Details click Delete Record on the top right of the screen
  • In the hit list, select the folder by checking the box and click Delete at the foot of the screen

Note: a folder is removed even if it still contains some records.

Default folders system library frameworks folders mojave os

Output all items in the hit list to a Folder

If you wish to include the entire hit list, this is a fast alternative to checking the box of every record in the hit list to use with OLIB's Print / Clipboard / Add to Folder functions.

Use the All Items check box to do this without having to select the records first. (If you tried to use Select All instead, this could take a long time to determine the Actions available for a large selection of records).

This includes all the pages of the hit list, not just the first page. It ignores any selections that you may have made prior to checking All Items and selecting the Print/Clipboard/Add To Folder option.

  1. In the chosen domain, e.g. Titles, search for the records to output.
  2. In the Results section check the All Items box next to the Print button.
  3. Then select the Add to Folder option to add all the items in the hitlist to a folder.

Export the contents of a Folder

With a specific folder opened up, you can also export the contents of it to a file, using your preferred export format.

  1. Open your folder to display the contents.
  2. In modify mode, select items individually or choose Select All.
  3. Use the Actions drop down. OLIB displays relevant Actions for these records: choose Export.
  4. OLIB responds with an Alert window that lists the available export types.
  5. Choose the preferred Export Type, e.g. EndNote - OK.
  6. OLIB displays the number of records and prompts you to start the export.
  7. After you click the link a dialog from your browser prompts you whether to Open or Save the output.

For those of you who’ve been writing in – sometimes desperately – to ask for Default Folder X in the new Mojave beta, here you go. Version 5.2.5 enhances the Open and Save dialogs in Mojave beta 1, though I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit longer for Dark Mode support.

There are also some new, user-suggested features that are available in all supported versions of macOS:

1. Default Folder X’s hierarchical menus can now sort the contents of sub-folders by date, with the most recently accessed files and folders at the top. Until I tried this, I didn’t really think it’d be all that useful, but now I can’t turn it off! It gets me to the files and folders I want even faster. Pro tip: you can make sub-menus sort in the opposite order (name instead of date, or vice versa) by holding down the Control key while clicking to bring up one of Default Folder X’s menus.

2. You can create default folders that are only used when you choose them from the bottom of the Favorites menu. This essentially gives you an application-specific favorite folder that’s always invoked with the Command-U keyboard shortcut in Open and Save dialogs.

Default Folders System Library Frameworks Folders Mojave Desert

And finally, there are a number of bug fixes that address crashes and user interface issues. A complete list of changes, along with download links for various localized versions (English, Japanese, French, German and Danish) are available on the Default Folder X Release Page. Or if you’re running an older version of Default Folder X already, just choose “Check for Updates” from its menu in your menubar.