Civ 6 Map Types

'6' – Six major continents (without regard to number of civs). NOTE: This map type is not shipping with the initial release of Civ4. It will be available later. Fantastical Map: World Wrap at all map seams (top edge wraps to bottom, left edge to right) Land-Heavy Map: 52 plots wide, 32 plots tall, at 'Standard' map size. Shuffle map civ 6. Heres all of civilization 6s game speeds map types and difficulty settings and what they do. Civ 6 civets system get 5 civic boosts in 1 turn. Once you got nena found a city on that continent and build an aerodrome with hangar or you can use an airstrip and place a. Last edited by napoleonic s.

Civ 6 map types gathering storm
  • JT Warhammer Mod. Check Out This Mod. Okay, this one isn’t as much of a map mod as it is an entire game mod, but I’m adding it because we definitely get some big map changes. This brings the world of Warhammer into Civ 6 by introducing new civilizations, a new map, and a bunch of cool Warhammer gadgets.
  • One of the original map types, Fractal remains a popular choice amongst the civ communities, and for good reason. Math aint so bad: Because of its unpredictable nature, it can even the playing field against civs who might otherwise be overwhelming.
  • These maps were packaged up into a set of Earth maps. “When Civ 6 was released without any Earth map, I converted and edited my pack to the new game,” he says. “ I added extra non-Earth maps.

Every Civ fan knows that after a few months of playing the game, you start having this weird craving to play in different maps.

All of the basic maps of the game start feeling the same. But it’s a normal thing to feel after spending so many hours going at them (if you’re like me, you know what I’m talking about).

In any case, we can all be grateful that there’s an easy solution. Custom maps!

The modding community has made dozens of these for all of us. The only question left is where to get started? Keep scrolling and see what kind of adventures you can find.

15. Perfectly Balanced

If you’re one of those competitive players that wants an equal playing field for everyone, then you’re going to want to take a look at this bad boy.

This Perfectly Balanced Map allows you to have a truly competitive Civ 6 by providing a balanced map for six players to compete on.

The map has the same resources in every player’s starting location, so the outcome of the game will truly be decided by skill, rather than by starting position.

14. Sven’s Europe

Playing on Europe is challenging as a whole. And the game does allow you to do it without downloading any mods.

But do we really settle for a Europe that’s as small as the one in the base game? Of course we don’t.

PC games don’t know the word settling.

Sven’s Europe truly brings the best of Europe into the game by incorporating a massive representation of Europe as a playable map. Trust me – this one doesn’t disappoint. Give it a go and you’ll see what I’m talking about.


13. The Great Asia

Have you been looking for an extremely detailed map of Asia, but nothing that the game comes with seems to suit your needs?

Well, this one is as detailed as can be.

From the most strategic resources to basic items and luxury resources, all located exactly where you expect them to be, this one has you covered.

You might want to take a look at the places where natural wonders spawn, though!

12. Tamriel – Ultimate Version

I mean, who of us wouldn’t just love to play in Tamriel and try to beat other civilizations in the space race?

I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting an Elder Scrolls mod for Civilization VI. But this is certainly one of those pleasant surprises.

This custom map is very well done and it truly transports you into the Elder Scrolls dimension.

It does raise the question of why other civilizations are all over the place when you were so used to seeing the Argonians in the Black Marsh and the Khajit in Elsweyr… but I’m sure you’ll be able to find mods for every Skyrim Civ if you keep searching.

As for getting started, this map is absolutely tailor-made for TES fans. A brilliant crossover.

11. Meteor Survival

Alright, picture this: a thousand years ago, a giant meteor hit the Earth.

Except this time, the planet didn’t heal as quickly as before, nor did the impact cause enough damage to extinguish humans as we know them.

This time, it will be on your hands to get down to business and start civilization anew. In a world that seems to have received a gigantic meteor impact in the middle of its mass… which is now turned into a giant ocean that you’ll be able to cross to conquer everything.

How cool is that?

10. Historical Spawn Dates

This fantastic mod makes civilizations spawn according to the date when they actually became prevalent in our own world.

Which gives the game a newfound sense of realism that can be missing from the vanilla version, at the expense of sacrificing some of its balanced integrity.

The “Spawn by Era instead of Date” option will become available once you get this mod installed. Really, it’s an easy setup.


And it’s a good one to try if you’re looking for more unique spawning.

9. Azimuthal Map Script

So you’re here because you’ve tried many of these “Earth Map Mods” and you simply want to try something different.

If that’s the case, let me introduce you to the Azimuthal Map mod. This one’s based on the Azimuthal Map projection of Earth.

In case you haven’t seen it, the map places the poles as “circles” around the actual map. A quick Google search and you’ll see what I mean.


But I say download this map and try it out just to see what you think. Trust me – you won’t regret it!

8. Gaia Map Script

This unpredictable map script allows you to experience Earth in a much different way, where continents will spawn as if Earth had much more land than sea.

An interesting thought, right?

It’s a very well-made script that fully shakes up the way you’ll get the map if you went for the “Landmasses” choice in the vanilla game. It’s much better and very well-made.

Granted this isn’t literally a map itself, more of a script to redesign in-game maps. But it works all the same.

7. Fantastical Map Script

“Vast jungles and icy lands” is the best way to describe this mod, according to creator of this script.

It basically ignores the actual laws of physics and Earth itself to create unique maps that make it far more entertaining.

It’s a great add-on that I fully recommend to anyone looking for a diverse and unique experience in Civ 6. Just note, this isn’t gonna run like a super realistic world.

We’re getting into some semi-fantasy territory with this one.

6. JT Warhammer Mod

Okay, this one isn’t as much of a map mod as it is an entire game mod, but I’m adding it because we definitely get some big map changes.

This brings the world of Warhammer into Civ 6 by introducing new civilizations, a new map, and a bunch of cool Warhammer gadgets.

A must-try if you’re a fan of both franchises!

5. Got Lakes

Now if you’re a fan of maps with lakes, you’re going to fall in love with this one. Probably.

It changes the spawn rules for lakes and turns your map into something out of a fantasy film, but without looking too out of place.

In fact, I’d say this is one of the most “realistic” map scripts out there, taking into consideration that it makes lakes the common denominator of all matches.

One of the things that I like the most about this mod is the fact that it doesn’t break the game balance. It keeps most settlers able to reach most landmasses without the need of any sails. Fair play.

4. Optimized World

This is a beta map that I decided to add to my list. Why?

Because it makes the game much more fun to play and balances out the buggy Earth that comes with vanilla Civ 6.

It’s not as much of an Earth map really, but morso an optimization of the vanilla one.

And beta or no beta, it should be playable without many quirks.

3. Detailed Worlds

So you wanted realism? Well my friend, you’ve got it.

This mod changes the way the game’s random map generator works by making it much more in-tune with the real world. The goal is improving gameplay by better distributing the world’s features all over the map.

Civ 6 Map Types Pdf

Try it out if you want to stick as close to our world as possible, but still want some kind of freshness.

2. TSL – Huge Earth

Let’s face it: if there’s one thing that the Steam Community has given us, it’s representations of Earth in the game.

And it’s safe to say that the game’s base Earth map is just too small. It was only a matter of time before someone made their own… but I didn’t want to include all of the Earth maps on my list. I mean there are so many out there, we’d basically have ONLY have Earth maps here.


So I picked the best Earth map that I found, and here we are. And it deserves such a good spot because we all know that playing on Earth is just one of the best things about a casual Civ match.

Get this one installed and be prepared to have your PC’s resources obliterated by its demands. Kidding, of course (kinda).

1. Yet (not) Another Map’s Pack

Let’s be honest: unless you’re on a mod spree, downloading a bunch of mods separately can be a pain.

Let’s say you just want to dive straight into new world maps with a single download. Well in that case, snag this mod pack.

It comes with 9 amazing maps put together, all ones that I highly recommend. But maybe not in Enormous size if you don’t want your computer to implode on itself.

Still an absolute delight. And this is perfect even for newcomers to the series taking their first steps in modding the game.

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It's possible to have to spent hundreds of hours playing Civilization 6 without ever having reached a victory in a single playthrough. Some players get bored and want to start anew, some simply get out-strategized by the other players and/or AI, and yet others want that perfect game.

Civ 6 Map Types Codes

Each playable civ in Civilization 6 has its own strengths and weaknesses that make them best suited to certain victory types. Some, such as Korea, are obviously geared towards particular playstyles; but others, such as Russia, are a little more difficult to pin down.

Here we'll be going over the best civ choices for each victory type, and you may be surprised by some of them. Keep in mind that each playthrough is different, and that you do need to consider your opponents in some regard when choosing your civ.

Feel free to post your own opinions in the comments.

Note: These apply to the changes implemented in the Gathering Storm expansion. These may not be applicable in the base game.


Best Civ: Zulu

If you choose the Zulu as your civ, you're immediately tipping your hand that you'll be focusing on military. They offer no particular cultural, civic, or religious benefit, but they are really good at dominating on the battlefield.

Even if you can't completely secure your Domination victory when you start firing on all cylinders, the Zulu should be able to secure you enough advantage through the midgame to coast to victory however you see fit.

There are a few major factors that allow the Zulu to be militarily dominant, but the big one is their ability to gain Corps and Armies much earlier than other civs.

Nearly all the Zulu's unique traits revolve around building up powerful medieval armies and stomping everyone else.

Their unique unit, the Impi, is a monster against Knights, which are usually the dominant forces of the medieval era. Their Armies and Corps gain a strength bonus, can be trained earlier than other civs get similar units, and can be trained directly.

Finally, capturing cities upgrades a unit to a Corps and a Corps to an Army if you have the proper civics researched.

Many military civs are bogged down when they start trying to capture cities, but the Zulu can actually strengthen their army if they strategically capture. The Zulu military might can get out of control in a hurry if their opponents don't disrupt it.

Other good Domination options: Scythia, Greece


Best Civ: Korea

Like the Zulu and domination, Korea will almost always be shooting for a science victory. Their ability to outpace the other civs on the tech tree make them formidable in other victory types if they can get far enough ahead, but it is tougher to pivot from the science path if it doesn't look like it will work.

The biggest boon to Korea's scientific success is their unique district, the Seowon. It provides a lot of science on its own, especially early on, and also grants a science bonus to adjacent mines. If you can find lots of hilly areas to abuse Seowons, you will be tough to catch.

In addition, Governors add even more science to your already massive output. The general plan for Korean victory involves getting so far ahead early on that you can basically turtle up and defend your cities against inferior units as you rush to build the spaceship.

Other good Science options: Arabia, Scotland


Best Civ: Sweden

This is one of the trickier ones, as lots of civs utilize culture in a variety of strong ways. However, Kristina's cultural abilities overall seem like the strongest, mainly because they can come online much faster than many other civs.

If you get out to a strong cultural jump, it can discourage other players and snowball into enough of an advantage that it doesn't matter who tries to catch you.

The first boon towards a culture victory comes from your leader ability. Kristina herself makes it much easier to theme your great works, granting you massive bonuses if you're able to find the right sets.

The Open Air Museum is where Sweden really shines, however. It can generate a massive amount of tourism for every city in your empire, and they can be built much earlier than tourism producers in other civs. Once you start getting them up and running, it might be too late to stop you.

Other good Culture options: Canada, China, America


Best Civ: Russia

Religion is another tricky one to judge, as there are a few different routes you can find success with when aiming for a religion victory. However, few civs can overpower others with prayer like Russia, as they can utilize multiple methods to spread their faith.

Russia's religious prowess begins with their unique district: the Lavra. They come online earlier than Holy Sites, and they provide a better boost.

The Lavra allows you to get the pick of your pantheons - considering Russia typically starts in colder climates, 'Dance of the Aurora' is usually your best bet. You'll soon be generating more faith than you'll know what to do with, and can go about converting the world.

Peter the Great also grants bonuses to international trade routes, which can be another effective way to spread your religion to far away civs.

Other good Religion options:India, Spain, Georgia


Best Civ: Canada

Ah, the black sheep of Civilization 6 victory conditions. In general, if you could win a diplomacy victory, you probably could have already won another way. That's neither here nor there, however: if you want to shoot for that diplomacy victory, Canada is your best bet.

Canada is all about sitting back and being friendly with everyone. They can't declare surprise wars or be the target of them, which goes a long way to keeping Canada on everyone's good side.

They also get massive boosts to their diplomatic favor by doing things you would otherwise be doing: generating culture and working against emergencies. Basically, if you can stay on everyone's good side, you will probably eke out a victory as Canada.

This passive, friendly playstyle also pivots very well into a culture victory, should you need to change your tactics. If you need to switch to a domination victory with Canada, you might be in trouble.

Other good Diplomacy civs: Sweden, Hungary

Every time you generate a map, adjust the difficulty, or add in new civs, you're going to change your path to victory in Civilization 6. That's part of the reason why the series has endured as one of the deepest and most replayable strategy games around.


Check out our other Civilization 6 guideshere on GameSkinny.