5e Dmg Lingering Injuries

In the DMG, there are rules which you could use if you wish to implement sustained injuries and wounds for your players (pg. 272) and while I like the idea the random table presented there doesn't really fit my ideas about such wounds and injuries. This is a table and rule I made for my home groups, I hope you like it. Feel free to use this in your own games, and if you do, tell me how it went.

Dnd 5e Dmg Lingering Injuries Table

Lingering injuries can be applied when a crit or knockout occurs, and are semi-permanent. Both are optional rules and not mutually exclusive. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. The standard rules in 5e for death require a character to drop to 0 hit points, then fail three death saving throws before they are healed, stabilized by a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check, or stabilize from three successful death saving throws. When damage reduces a character to 0 HP, and there is remaining damage that exceeds their hit point. 10 gp Gemstones DMG. 25 gp Art Objects DMG. 50 gp Gemstones DMG. 100 gp Gemstones DMG. 250 gp Art Objects DMG. 500 gp Gemstones DMG. 750 gp Art Objects DMG. 1,000 gp Gemstones DMG. 2,500 gp Art Objects DMG. Jul 02, 2015 Here are some variant rules you can add to the Lingering Injuries module presented on pages 272 and 273 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. You lose 1 hit point every hour the wound persists. The injury heals if you receive magical healing. Though these particular rules are for 5e which does not have that spell.

Certain effects and events can cause the characters to gain long lasting or permanent injuries, wounds. Whenever a character hitpoints fall below 0, or the character takes massive damage from a single attack (equal or greater than half the maximum hitpoints) roll a d20 on the following table.
Alternatively you can roll on this table when taking damage from non-combat sources. 5e Dmg Lingering Injuries
5e dmg lingering injuries 5e
1. Horrible disfiguration: Your receive a horrible wound, crippling you for life. Your hitpoint maximum is reduced by half. Your speed is reduced to 5 feet per minute, you can only crawl slowly and painfully. You cannot hold any object heavier than 5 pounds. Maybe you are paralyzed down from the neck, or hip at your GM's discretion. If you do not receive medical attention within 1d6 hours, you die in agonizing pain. The 7th level spell Regenerate can heal you from this condition.
2-3. Maimed: You lose one of your appendages of the GM's choice. If it's a leg, you cannot walk without the help of another creature, a crutch or a peg leg, and your speed is halved. If it's an arm, you cannot use two handed weapons anymore, or hold anything in your both hands. Your maximum hitpoints are decreased by 5. The 7th level spell Regenerate can heal you from this condition.
4-5. Lose an eye: You lose one of your eyes. You gain disadvantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight and ranged attack rolls. If you have no eyes left, you are blinded. The 7th level spell Regenerate can heal you from this condition.
6-7. Crippled: You take a serious physical injury, you keep all of your appendages, but something broke inside of you. You lose 2 points from one of your physical abilities. Roll a d6. On a 1-2 it's your Strength, on a 3-4 it's your Dexterity, on a 5-6 it's your Constitution. The 5th level spell Greater Restoration can heal you from this condition.
8-9. Impaired: You take a serious mental injury. You might have hit your head. You lose 2 points from one of your mental abilities. Roll a d6. On a 1-2 it's your Intelligence, on a 3-4 it's your Wisdom, on a 5-6 it's your Charisma. The 5th level spell Greater Restoration can heal you from this condition.
10. Crushed: Many of your bones break from the damage you took. You can barely move, and you gain disadvantage on all your rolls. Whenever you attempt an action in combat, roll a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save you lose your action, and take 2 points of bleeding damage (the bleeding might be internal). Your speed is reduced to 5 feet. You can heal naturally. Make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw at the end of every week. If you gather 3 successes, you are healed. On a failure you lose one of your successes. If you have rolled 3 failures without having any success, you die from your injuries. Having medical assistance removes the disadvantage from the roll. The 5th level spell Greater Restoration can heal you from this condition.
11-12. Broken: A few of your bones break. If the bones are in your arms, you gain disadvantage on your attack rolls and on any physical actions that need your arms to be used. If the bones are in your legs, your speed is halved, and you gain a disadvantage on any physical actions that need your legs to be used. Furthermore, you automatically fall prone if you use the Dash action. You can heal naturally. Make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of every week. If you gather 3 successes, you are healed. On a failure you lose one of your successes. If you have rolled 3 failures without having any success, your bones healed in a wrong way, and your drawbacks become permanent. The 5th level spell Greater Restoration can heal you from this condition.
13-14. Cracked: A few of your bones crack from the attack. You can still use them but it causes you constant pain. You have disadvantage on any rolls if you use your cracked bones as well. You can heal naturally. Make a DC 8 Constitution saving throw at the end of every second day. If you gather 3 successes, you are healed. On a failure you lose one of your successes. If you have rolled 3 failures without having any success, your bones healed in a wrong way, and must be broken (see above) to be able to heal. The 2nd level spell Lesser Restoration can heal you from this condition.
15-18. Ugly scar: You managed to shrug off most of the attack, and you do not have any permanent injuries, but you have a nasty scar. This gives you a disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks, and an advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. The 2nd level spell Lesser Restoration can heal you from this condition.
19-20. Lucky: You survived the attack without having any permanent injuries or scars.

If you liked this but you think it's too soft, please check out the 2D6 Death and Dismemberment Chart of DOOM, by Samwise7RPG.

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Lingering Injury[edit]

Roll a d20 when a player hits 0 Hp or is effected by the massive damage effects.Effects can be healed by spending a week of low level healing spells or a level 6 or greater healing spell.

1: lose a leg- Your speed is halved and you need crutch/prosthetic to move, disadvantage on checks to balance, and follow prone after dashing. 1d6 hemorrhaging and remain prone until fixed.

2: Lose an arm- You suffer 1d6 hemorrhaging damage until fixed.

3: Lose an eye- You have disadvantage on Perception checks that rely on sight and ranged attacks

4-5: Internal Injury- Make a DC 15 Con save or lose your action and reaction

6-7: Fractured ribs- Make a DC 11 Con save or lose your action

5e Dmg Lingering Injuries Chart

8-10: Broken arm- You have disadvantage on attack rolls that require two hands and strength checks/saves

11-13: Limp- You lose 10ft and after dashing make a DC 11 Dex save or fall prone.


14-16: Horrible Scar- You take 1d4 hemorrhaging for 1d4+2 rounds.

17-20: Minor Scar- You take 1 hemorrhaging for 1d4+2 rounds. Nat 20 you only take 1 point of damage.


Blood loss, can be healed by 15 points of healing or if it’s an external injury 15 points of Fire/Acid/Cold damage


5e Dmg Lingering Injuries 5e

5e dmg lingering injuries 5e

If not fixed by a level 6 healing spell or higher every day for a week the victim must make a Con save or their wound becomes infected. Lost appendage DC 14, horrible scar DC 10. An infected player becomes poisoned and takes 2d4 poison damage and their HP max drops by 1 every hour. This can be cured by a lesser restoration or a DC 15 Medicine check to amputate. Once cured the player must proceed with the Con save for the remaining week.

Massive Damage:[edit]

If damage taken =1/2 HP max. Or Nat 1 on a save, DC 16 con save. If they fail the save they can roll d100 and consult the table.

Lingering Injuries Dmg 5e

100-95: Major Injury- Roll a lingering injury with disadvantage

94-81: Lingering injury- Roll a lingering injury

Lingering Injuries 5e Dmg Page

80-67: Knock out- Unconscious for 1d4+1 rounds. Creature can spend their action to have try and wake them.

66-54: System Shock- You become stunned. DC 16 Con Save

53-40: Concussion- Blind or Deafened. DC 16 Con Save.

5e Dmg Lingering Injuries List

39-26: Strained leg- Lose 20ft of speed. Medicine DC 10, 13, 16: 15, 10, 5ft then cured at the end of the round after 5ft

25-13: Dislocated Shoulder- Disadvantage on attack/checks involving injured arm. DC 16 Str. Check

Lingering injuries 5e dmg page

12-1:Terror- You become paralyzed for one round. The following round you are frightened of the opponent and may make a DC 16 Wis. Save

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